Directorate of Integrated Security System


The Armed Forces through the Directorate of Integrated Security System will develop standardized processes of Operational Safety, Occupational Health and Safety, and Environmental Management in the preparation and execution of military operations and activities by advising and intervening permanently at all levels of the military leadership for preventing accidents, occupational diseases, and negative environmental impacts in order to safeguard the Institution's human and material resources, and its work environment.

Powers and Responsabilities:

    1. Advising the Chief of the Joint Command of the Armed Forces in matters related to operational Safety, occupational and health safety as well as environmental management based on the policies and guidelines established by the Ministry of Defense;
    2. Providing strategic guidance to the Armed Forces for the implementation and development of the Integrated Security System in the Armed Forces;
    3. Achieving the monitoring and periodic evaluation of the management carried out by the Armed Forces in the area of ​​its competence;
    4. Promoting the formation, specialization, and training of the personnel of the Armed Forces who belong to the Integrated Security System of the Armed Forces through the corresponding administrative unit;
    5. Managing the process of standardization of manuals, regulations, directives, instructions, and procedures for operational safety, occupational health, and safety as well as environmental management and accident investigation of the Armed Forces;
    6. Analyzing Statistically and prospectively the accident rate, morbidity, and negative environmental impacts generated in the Armed Forces in regard with human resources, means, and available resources; and,
    7. Supporting the creation of the Military Accident Investigation Boards (JIAM) in the Armed Forces, according to the Executive Decree 1722.




Las Fuerzas Armadas del Ecuador en coordinación con el Ejército Nacional de Colombia ejecutaron operaciones militares denominadas Plan Espejo con esta iniciativa, efectivos militares desarrollan acciones simultáneas en la frontera norte. En Tranquería, cercana a...