Directorate of Operations


As part of the Operational General Staff (E.M.O.) its mission is participating in the planning and conduction of military operations within the scope of its competence in order to facilitate the exercise of command and control, decision-making, and the issuance of orders in the strategic level.

It is made up of the following Directors: Army Operations, Naval Operations, and Aerial Operations within the scope of its competence.


      • Advising the Chief of Operational General Staff in the strategic operational direction in the field of operations;
      • Directing the integration of military strategic plans and annexes of the Operational General Staff for Homeland Defense, Internal Defense, and Support to other State Bodies;
      • Leading the preparation of plans, directives, instructions, and other documents to operationalize military strategic plans;
      • Managing the development of the joint strategic capabilities plan;
      • Supervising the follow-up and evaluation of the fulfillment of military strategic planning;
      • Supervising the updating of information related to the area of ​​its competence in the command and control system;
      • Directing the preparation of the PAPP of the Directorate of Operations;
      • Managing projects of military operations of the Armed Forces;
Sujeto aprehendido con arma de fuego en el Comité del Pueblo

Sujeto aprehendido con arma de fuego en el Comité del Pueblo

Efectivos militares intervienen la ciudad de Quito, como resultado de estas operaciones un sujeto presunto miembro de la organización terrorista Los Lobos fue aprehendido, en su poder se decomisó un revólver. El aprehendido y las evidencias fueron entregadas a las...