Directorate of Education and Military Doctrine


Guiding and strengthening education in the Armed Forces through the strategic leading of Military Education and the generation of joint doctrine in order to contribute to the improvement of the operational capacity of the Armed Forces.

Powers and Responsabilities:

    1. Formulating the directives and guidelines that regulate the operation of the Military Education and Doctrine System.
    2. Planning, managing, and evaluating the process of the development of Joint Doctrine.
    3. Directing the planning and evaluation of Military Education.
    4. Advising the Chief of the Joint Command of the Armed Forces in matters of education and doctrine.
    5. Providing guidelines and directives for current education;
    6. Coordinating with domestic and international organizations different matters of institutional interest related to education and military doctrine.

Organizational Structure:

Resultados del Bloque de Seguridad del 09 de enero al 07 de abril

Resultados del Bloque de Seguridad del 09 de enero al 07 de abril

La lucha permanente que ha tenido que enfrentar el Bloque de Seguridad, contra las diferentes amenazas asimétricas que han venido golpeando al país, como el terrorismo, narcotráfico, delincuencia organizada, contrabando de combustibles y explosivos, la presencia de...