Directorate of Telecommunications
Participating in the planning, monitoring, and evaluation of the preparation and execution of military operations in the field of telecommunications and informatics in order to facilitate the exercise of command and control, decision-making, and the issuance of orders at the strategic level.
Powers and Responsabilities:
- Advising on the Military Strategic Addressing in the field of telecommunications and informatics;
- Leading the preparation of plans, directives, instructions, and other documents for the operationalization of military strategic plans in the area of telecommunications and informatics of the Joint Command and the Army, Naval, and Air Forces;
- Supervising the monitoring and evaluation of planning in the field of telecommunications and informatics of the Joint Command and the Army, Naval, and Air Forces;
- Supervising the management of the electromagnetic spectrum assigned to the Armed Forces;
- Managing with public and private organizations different actions inherent to Telecommunications and Informatics aligned with Defense Policies and with the Military Strategic Addressing;
- Directing the standardization of the Telecommunications and Informatics equipment of the Joint Command and the Army, Naval, and Air Forces;
- Supervising the updating of telecommunications information;
- Providing in real time the information related to the area of its competence in the command and control system for the preparation and execution of military operations;
- Advising on the prioritization of telecommunications and informatics projects for the Armed Forces;
- Leading the monitoring and evaluation of the preparation and conduct of military operations in the field of telecommunications.
- Other powers and responsibilities assigned by the higher hierarchical level.
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